Since we received the projector this summer, we have been going into more villages with the message of the gospel. There are 5 villages we are ministering to right now. Each weekend, we are rotating around which village to visit. We are starting the ministry by showing the Jesus Film in Bemba, the native language of the people.
The response has been wonderful! When people see and hear the movie, they come from all over and gather.
We also invited our local church from in town to come on board and they have helped us put together a praise team so we could reach more people.
One of the weekends, we did evangelism for 2 days and about 180 people came to know the Lord. We decided to start a small group church that meets every Sunday with the help of the local church so that we can disciple these new believers more. The local church has agreed to send us one pastor from them to come and help us run this new gathering!
We praise God for his faithfulness! Please pray for these new believers that they will grow in their faith.