For the team in Zambia, this year was full! And I thought it would be nice to take you through some events that happened and show you the ways God moved in Zambia this year!
The school started for it's first semester early in February...
and we were amazed by God's provision. A donor specifically designated their donation to the use of textbooks and with it, we were able to purchase many textbooks in English, math, science, Bemba, and other subjects that we sorely needed.
And only a few weeks before that, a visiting ministry decided to bless the children by putting up a playground behind the school.
It was an amazing way to start the school year being reminded of God's continued faithfulness. Even in the little things.
We have also been able to pour into the young women in the community even more through our Purity program. We've seen the young women open up in a way they never have in years before, and in turn, we have been able to minister to their specific needs.
Without full bellies, the children can't concentrate...
and we've noticed this even more as the inflation in Zambia skyrocketed.
Knowing this about our students, we've been able to get more consistent with a feeding program and are now able to feed the children every day!

Over the past year, the Soccer Ministry has flourished!
Not only has the team grown closer, but Charles has been able to pour into each young man on the team. Many of them have accepted Jesus as their savior and live as an amazing testimony in the villages!

More recently, they traveled to Luanshya, where the Copperbelt district held a soccer tournament. They played against a variety of teams and won the entire competition!
This is such a big deal, since Twashuka has been looked down on in the past. It's proving to them that it doesn't matter where they're from or the reputation of their community if they are the very best that they can be. And we're seeing this determination taking them places!
This year was really rough with transportation.
As you might remember, we've been having truck problems for a couple years now. We tried to fix it by replacing the engine back on our trip to Zambia in 2021, and while it helped for a little while, it wasn't a longterm solution and the truck died on us early last year.
Since then, it's been a struggle. The price to rent vehicles is high, but it's no simpler dealing with public transportation. And though up front it's more expensive to buy a vehicle, in the long run, we knew it would be a better investment financially.
We began a fundraiser for a new truck in the fall and many of you hopped right on board and brought us about halfway to our goal. To all of you that pitched in, THANK YOU! Your support meant the world to us!Problem was, after the initial fundraiser, we had only reached half our goal. And while we did consider moving forward and purchasing an older, more run down vehicle, it seemed wiser to wait for the Lord's perfect timing and allow him to provide.
And He always does.
Around Thanksgiving, a donor reached out wanting to do something to help. When we mentioned the needs of the truck, he offered to give the remaining amount. We were blown away by this blatant answer to prayer.
During the Christmas sales, Aaron and Charles officially purchased the new vehicle. Only it wasn't just one, but TWO!
God opened the doors to be able to purchase a mini-bus, as well as an industrial truck. These fit the ministry and our needs perfectly! Already, they've been able to use the bus to transport the soccer team to Kitwe, as well as various events around the community!
Thank you so much for your support throughout 2022! We look forward to what God has in store for us in 2023!