Our teachers have also been staying very busy throughout this semester. After teaching all morning in Twashuka, two of them, Florence and Fridah, go to secondary school. Their goal is to get certified as teachers and be able to pour themselves more effectively into the school in Twashuka.
But it's a slow process. To continue in the secondary schools, even part time as they are doing, it costs thousands of kwatcha. They are both mothers, so not only are they juggling teaching, but also their children's needs.
We have been able to help them financially with furthering their education, which takes a load off their shoulders. As Aaron says:
"We cannot only care for the kids. We need to start first with the people who are saving the kids."
Having two more qualified teachers on the team, especially women likes these who are devoted to the ministry and the children, will help us up the standard of education in the school.

The Cherish program after school has been thriving. Right now they have about thirteen girls between ages 10 and 21 attending.
Leah (name changed for privacy) has been coming to Cherish for the last two years. She always sat in the corner and rarely spoke up. Recently, she's begun to open up to the teachers and share her struggles. They've been counseling and loving on her and she's finally coming out of the bondage of bitterness that has held her captive.
After years of living on the street with no purpose, Leah has a new found determination to further her education. She's just starting grade eight and is super excited to be taking her GCE in June.
Ways You Can Pray:
Be praying for Florence and Fridah as they're juggling their school, teaching and family. Pray that they are able to pass their exams so they don't have to go back and retake classes.
Pray for the Soccer team. They're just about to get started on the new season and their excited about the possibilities ahead. Pray that their hearts would be soft as Charles continues to disciple them.
Pray that Aaron's visa application would go through. He's been invited to Washington DC to attend an international conference to help evangelists reach those in positions of leadership in their countries.
Pray for our team heading over to Zambia on a missions trip. Pray that their hearts would be open to what God is doing and that the experience would draw them closer to Him.
And that brings me to the last thing I wanted to mention. This summer in August, Jason and a team of young men are heading to Zambia for a two week mission trip. If you're excited about getting to experience first hand what God is doing in Zambia and want to join this trip, please let us know and we'll be in touch!